The yarn was Plymouth's Happy choices. Its knitted into a scarf of natural colored yarn, and then it's hand painted. You then have the choice of wearing it as a scarf or making something else out of it while unraveling the scarf at the same time. I picked it up at Pins & Needles. The yarn bloomed nicely after washing, but if I ever used it again I would probably wind it into a hank to get the kinks out first. Off to Cali they go!
While DH was hanging out with his sisters L & C, niece A & C's dog, a baby/adolecent squirrel decided to charge the dog. The dog promply grabbed the squirrel in it's mouth, bit down, and spit it out. The following is not a verbatum of the converstation, but you'll get the gist:
DH: " Guess the dog killed the squirrel. I've never seen something like that."
C & L: "It's not dead! It's still blinking!" (I'm guessing it was in it's death throwes.)
DH: "C-take A away. I'll take care of it." And he promptly dispatched of the squirrel.
Fast forward back to C's house. DH is now titled "Squirrel Killer". Ain't family grand?
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