Leaf & Tendril socks by Cat Bordhi; knit in Kollage Lucious, colorway Asparagus, needle size 1.5. Once I figured everything out; they moved along pretty quickly. I shortened them by 1 repeat; I hate knee socks. This yarn was a pain, very splitty. Instead of keeping these, they will be gifted.
I also started another Cat Bordhi sock with another Kollage yarn-figured I give them both another shot. These are the Flow Motion socks found in either Vogue Knitting Fall 2006 or Vogue's ultimate sock book. I must say, this is a very quick knit, and I'm liking the yummy better than the lucious. My only complaint is that I found 2 knots in the first skein. Quick rant-I wish yarn companies would sell partial skeins instead of knotting a skein to make yardage/weight. Just a personal pet peeve!